How could I have this blog without dedicating an entry to my beloved school? The University of Iowa Tuba-Euphonium Studio is a very active with the University and community. Lead by Professor John Manning, the tuba-euphonium ensemble, affectionately named Collegium Tubum, performs at studio recitals, campus events, and holiday celebrations. Each October the group participates in "Oktubafest" by performing at a studio recital and at a local German colony, the Amanas. The crowd at the Amana Colonies really enjoys having the group play varied repertoire, including the crowd-pleasing polkas and marches.
Being a member of this ensemble, I can attest to the importance of performing in such a group. Young tuba and euphonium players do not often get challening parts in band, let alone the chance to collaborate in chamber music with like instruments. The skills acquired through the performance of chamber music are crucial to the development of the well-rounded musician. Intonation, balance, blend, and developing an ensemble sound are just some of the benefits of playing in this group.
A shameless plug-in, The University of Iowa Tuba-Euphonium Studio has been invited to perform at the 2009 Great Plains Regional Tuba-Euphonium Conference, something we have cleverly called GrapeTec. This experience will be great exposure for the Iowa School of Music. Having suffered the loss of the Voxman Music Building because of devasting floods from June 2008, this conference appearance is yet another way for this group to show that music is alive and well in Iowa!
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